California and Northwest Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums

About the Patrons

The California and Northwest Chapters of the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums are an interfaith, not-for-profit organization charged with protection, restoration, and preservation of human history as it is contained in the great repository of art and artifact in the collections of the Vatican Museums.

Support the Patrons

 We are currently raising funds to restore important art in Rome at the Vatican Museums. There are many ways to support those efforts, whether by becoming a member or funding a specific restoration project.

Digital Media

The California Patrons are actively creating video campaigns to raise awareness for the Vatican Museums and historically important restorations. From innovative 360-degree videos to fundraising efforts, we invite you to watch and experience our latest videos.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for all our behind the scenes restorations videos, lectures, and more.

Inside Look: Gallery of the Maps

Inside Look: Anima Mundi Ethnological Museum

360º Tour: Sistine Chapel

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